LightningChart Resizing: Why It’s Not Very Smooth and How to Fix It
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LightningChart Resizing: Why It’s Not Very Smooth and How to Fix It

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Are you tired of dealing with jerky and laggy chart resizing issues in LightningChart? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this problem, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of the issue and emerge with a solution that will leave your charts smooth and silky.

The Problem: LightningChart Resizing Not Very Smooth

When you try to resize a LightningChart, you might notice that it doesn’t quite behave as expected. The chart might stutter, lag, or even freeze, making it difficult to work with. This is especially true when dealing with large datasets or complex chart configurations.

But why does this happen? The culprit lies in the way LightningChart handles resizing. By default, the chart tries to redraw itself on every resize event, which can lead to performance issues. Additionally, if your chart is bound to a large dataset, the chart might take a significant amount of time to redraw, causing the laggy behavior.

Understanding the Causes of LightningChart Resizing Issues

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at the causes of the problem:

  • Redraw frequency: LightningChart tries to redraw the chart on every resize event, which can lead to performance issues.
  • Large datasets: If your chart is bound to a large dataset, the chart might take a significant amount of time to redraw, causing laggy behavior.
  • Complex chart configurations: Charts with multiple series, annotations, and other complex elements can slow down the resizing process.

Solutions to Smooth Out LightningChart Resizing

Fear not, dear reader, for we have some solutions to share with you! Here are some tips to help smooth out LightningChart resizing:

Optimize Your Chart Configuration

The first step to smoother resizing is to optimize your chart configuration. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Simplify your chart: Remove unnecessary elements, such as redundant series or annotations, to reduce the chart’s complexity.
  • Use caching: Enable caching to reduce the number of times the chart needs to be redrawn.
  • Optimize your dataset: Reduce the size of your dataset or use data aggregation to improve performance.

Implement Debouncing and Throttling

Debouncing and throttling are techniques that can help reduce the frequency of resize events, allowing the chart to redraw less frequently and improving performance:

function debounce(func, wait) {
  let timeout;
  return function() {
    const context = this;
    const args = arguments;
    const later = function() {
      timeout = null;
      func.apply(context, args);
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);

function throttle(func, wait) {
  let timeout;
  return function() {
    const context = this;
    const args = arguments;
    if (!timeout) {
      timeout = setTimeout(function() {
        timeout = null;
        func.apply(context, args);
      }, wait);

// Example usage:
const chart = lightningChart();
chart.onResize(debounce(chart.redraw, 100)); // debounce redraw on resize
chart.onResize(throttle(chart.redraw, 100)); // throttle redraw on resize

Use requestAnimationFrame()

The `requestAnimationFrame()` function can help reduce the number of times the chart needs to be redrawn during resizing:

function redrawChart() {
  if (chart.needsRedraw()) {

chart.onResize(function() {

Enable GPU Acceleration

GPU acceleration can significantly improve chart performance, especially when dealing with large datasets:


Use the `suspendRedraw` Method

The `suspendRedraw` method can be used to temporarily suspend redraws during resizing:

// perform resize operations

Best Practices for LightningChart Resizing

To ensure smooth resizing in LightningChart, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep your chart configuration simple: Avoid complex chart configurations that can slow down resizing.
  2. Optimize your dataset: Reduce the size of your dataset or use data aggregation to improve performance.
  3. Use caching: Enable caching to reduce the number of times the chart needs to be redrawn.
  4. Implement debouncing and throttling: Use these techniques to reduce the frequency of resize events.
  5. Use requestAnimationFrame(): This function can help reduce the number of times the chart needs to be redrawn during resizing.
  6. Enable GPU acceleration: This can significantly improve chart performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.


LightningChart resizing not being very smooth is a common issue, but with the right techniques and strategies, you can overcome this problem. By optimizing your chart configuration, implementing debouncing and throttling, using requestAnimationFrame(), enabling GPU acceleration, and following best practices, you can ensure smooth and silky chart resizing.

Technique Description
Optimize chart configuration Simplify chart configuration, use caching, and optimize dataset
Debouncing and throttling Reduce frequency of resize events using debouncing and throttling
requestAnimationFrame() Reduce number of times chart needs to be redrawn during resizing
GPU acceleration Enable GPU acceleration to improve chart performance
suspendRedraw method Temporarily suspend redraws during resizing

By following these techniques and strategies, you can create smooth and responsive charts that will delight your users. Happy charting!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you experiencing some bumps on the road with LightningChart resizing? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the smoothest solutions to get you back on track.

Why is my LightningChart resizing not smooth at all?

Hey, it’s likely because your chart is handling a massive amount of data! When dealing with enormous datasets, the chart might struggle to resize quickly. Try reducing the data points or using our built-in features like data sampling or aggregation to ease the load.

Is there a way to optimize my chart’s performance during resizing?

You bet! Ensure that your chart is running on the latest version of LightningChart. We’ve implemented various performance optimizations in recent updates. Additionally, consider using our async rendering feature, which helps to reduce the load on your browser during resizing.

Can I limit the resizing frequency to avoid performance issues?

That’s a great idea! Yes, you can throttle the resizing frequency using our resize debouncing feature. This allows you to set a minimum time interval between resize events, which helps to prevent unnecessary computations and improve overall performance.

How does the chart’s rendering mode affect resizing performance?

The rendering mode plays a significant role in resizing performance. For example, using the “Immediate” rendering mode can lead to slower performance during resizing, as the chart needs to recalculate and re render the entire dataset. Consider switching to the “Deferred” or “Async” rendering modes, which can significantly improve resizing performance.

Are there any specific browser limitations that might affect LightningChart resizing?

Yes, some browsers have limitations that can impact LightningChart resizing. For instance, Internet Explorer has a maximum repaint limit, which can cause issues during rapid resizing. We recommend using modern browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, which provide better support for dynamic rendering and resizing.

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